We appreciate you Mr. Bartlett

Claire Ash, Staff Writer

Shoutout to Kyle Bartlett for being an amazing algebra one and geometry teacher as well as the girl’s cross country and boy’s assistant soccer coach.

He has been teaching for 10 years and coaching for 5.

“When I start leaving my house every morning and tell myself I am headed to school to learn, the day I tell myself I am leaving to head to work is the day I know my heart isn’t in it and I should find something else,” Bartlett said.

Mr. Bartlett’s passion for math and helping students is incredible.

¨Teaching math is similar to life. Life is a math equation. In order to do your best, you need to turn your negatives into positives.”Bartlett said. “[Like when converting x-3=5, you need to add 3 to both sides for everyone that doesn’t understand math humor]¨

Teaching is a hard job, but every day Bartlett takes the challenge and loves it.

̈On my worst days I still enjoy talking to everyone in my classes and seeing how their lives are going.” Bartlett said. “Teaching is nothing like a normal job and I wouldn’t change it for anything even on the longest of days,”

Just like many of the students, Mr. Bartlett is ready for summer!

̈Plus summer is in three weeks and you can’t forget about that! ̈ Mr. Bartlett said.