High school and college students embark on life changing experiences as they step off the plane into foreign countries. These new cultural and...
Santa Fe welcomes new teacher and softball coach Kate James. Physical activity has always been an important part of James' life. She has been...
After 27 years of teaching, Santa Fe welcomes new computer science teacher Shawn Deiorio. With an interest in science and a positive relationship...
High school and college students embark on life changing experiences as they step off the plane into foreign countries. These new cultural and...
Senior Jacob Smith began playing football at age of six. Although he wasn’t initially interested in the sport, it quickly became a passion....
Powderpuff, one of the most anticipated fall events, brought a different outcome compared to previous years. Seniors, who typically secure the...
The Santa Fe Wolves varsity football team played its first home game of the season against the Edmond North Huskies on Friday, Sept. 6. Before...
Santa Fe's girls varsity volleyball team placed fourth at this year's annual Heather Harkness tournament. From Sept. 6-7, teams from across...
Whether it’s Halloween, Christmas or Thanksgiving, seasonal playlists are a great way to get into the holiday spirit. These playlists are perfect...
This September was full of acoustic guitar, slow beats and devastating lyrics, shown clearly in my favorites for the month. “Amoeba”...
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