The Wolves geared up for the upcoming homecoming game, gathering in the main gym for this year’s homecoming assembly.
Throughout the month, Santa Fe’s students voted on their choice of homecoming king and queen. The nominees: Bentley Lipps, Zoey Battles, Mia Miranda, Azlin Kaler, Brooke Edwards, Quasim Kareem, Easton Spitler, Will Shoemaker, Bergin Kysar, and Kale Pervis stepped onto the gym floor to await the verdict of who won.

“It felt good winning homecoming queen,” senior Zoey Battles said. “I was nervous to stand in front of everyone though.”
Senior Bergin Kysar won homecoming king.
The Edmond Santa Fe Stomp team performed an attention catching performance, while (Cheer and Pom) CHOM performed a routine they learned the same week.

“We started learning the CHOM dance on Monday and we had to perform it on Thursday,” junior Emma Pester said. “I felt that it was going pretty well until the music stopped.”
In true Wolf Nation fashion, a class competition provided the entertainment for the assembly. In the popular balloon pop game, two students from each grade were selected to participate. The goal of the game: to pop the balloon, ride a scooter and race to give Wolfie a high-five. Juniors took the win.

The Beat North assembly set the stage for a homecoming win on Friday night.