From shopping frenzies to food disasters, turkey day can be a lot to deal with. Here are some ways to de-stress this holiday season.
Two words: Retail therapy. With all the great deals going on, treat yourself by investing in some fun fall and winter attire.
Another great way to feel more put together is to spend your time off being productive. A tidy house makes for a tidy mind, and a cozy safe space to escape the overwhelming festivities. Maybe even get a head start on winter decorating.
Speaking of winter, Thanksgiving is basically a practice Christmas so spending time with family and friends is a must. The holidays can be the hardest times for some, so reach and let loved ones know you care about them.
Thanksgiving is a holiday full of food, relax by baking some comfort treats. Pumpkin pies, coffee cakes and shortbread cookies are just some of the stress-free treats with relatively simple recipes. There is also no shame in store-bought sweets, just put it in a different container and grandma won’t know the difference.
Spend your break Christmas shopping with Black Friday deals. Stores are slashing prices to compete for shoppers. Get an early start so you can relax this winter.
Last but certainly not least, nothing feels better than helping those in need. Donations are always needed, not just around the holidays. Some organizations to consider are The Salvation Army, St. Jude’s, HOPE Center of Edmond and any local homeless shelter.
No matter how you choose to celebrate, remember to take time to relax and show gratitude.