DWDW: Blacklight Assembly Monday 02/22
February 23, 2021
Drum line wows the crowd!
Santa Fe’s first day of DWDW started with the iconic white-out dress up all around the school and the best first assembly, Blacklight. With the Band, POM and Cheer performances, it was the best way to start off the best week of school!
Although it seems different this year, Double Wolf Dare Week (DWDW) is still has the same buzz of excitement as before. The opening assembly for DWDW has always been a favorite of Santa Fe students. Once the lights turned off and the black lights turned on, the roar of the crowd echoed in the gym and the festivities began.
“It felt the same as last year” said Senior Antonio Gallegos.
The blacklight assembly included crowd hyping performances from the Santa Fe Drumline and the cheer and pom squads. It also included a rowdy scavenger hunt and a class competition, won by the seniors. Between the pandemic and the snow, nothing will keep DWDW excitement in the dark.