Seniors will be taking their individual portraits for the yearbook at Santa Fe on Wed. Sept. 13 through English classes.
Here is important information about the Senior picture day process:
Photographers will provide a gown, but students must follow the required dress under the gown.
- Required Dress: Males-collared shirt and tie, Females-v-neck or no collared shirt.
- Students will be given a QR code (during the photo session) to register for Oklahoma School Pictures (OSP). Scanning this code will allow OSP to notify students when the photos are accessible online.
- DO NOT use a school email address as they will not be able to see the notification.
- Once the photos are online, students will choose what photo they want for the yearbook (photographers typically take several photos). Students have until 11/15/23 to choose a photo. If they do not choose a photo, OSP cannot guarantee they will be in the yearbook. Families may also order their senior’s pictures online through OSP at this time.
- If seniors took photos during the summer, they do not need to take them at school again. However, if seniors would like to do a retake, they can have their photo taken again on 09/13 or on retake day 10/4.
- Virtual Students may come to the auditorium lobby until 3:30PM Wednesday to take their photos.