DWDW 2022: The dreams that we wished came true
March 9, 2022
Last Friday afternoon, Double Wolf Dare Week(DWDW) came to a close with the final assembly. It was the culmination of DWDW, and it was filled to the brim with stunning and entertaining moments as well as speeches from the 2022 DWDW recipients, Positive Tomorrows and Limbs for Life.
The assembly featured many fun events such as when Mr.Harp had an ice bucket dumped on his head, or when senior changed his name to “Wolfe.”
“I did it for the kids.” Arcamone said.
Some kids from Positive Tomorrows even joined in and turned two of our Santa Fe students into Human nachos.
The student body also received touching speeches from Positive Tomorrows and Limbs for Life thanking Santa Fe for their charitable contributions. Santa Fe raised a total of $213,285 for Positive Tomorrows.
But DWDW would not have been possible without Santa Fe’s Student Council (STUCO). STUCO put so much effort and work into the week that it truly felt like a Disney dream. Many STUCO members felt tired at the end of the week, but the final assembly and the moments leading up to it made it all worth it.
“Last night after we had finished cleaning up they handed out a letter that we had written to ourselves after Homecoming,” said Sophomore STUCO member Alyana Leck. “Everyone was balling in a circle because we were going around sharing our fav memories.”
Not only does final assembly mean things to the members creating it but also means so much to the school and the memory is something that Santa Fe yearbook staff is always able to capture well. Last year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the week wasn’t what it usually was, but this year it came back in full swing and the Santa Fe yearbook was there to capture everything.
“It’s somewhat stressful being able to get a good picture but seeing it turn out is really great. Sophomore and Yearbook staff member Arianna Charqueno, “the yearbook can represent what’s going on during Double Wolf Dare Week because it’s so important.”