PowderPuff returns
Blue team scores their first touch down
December 8, 2021
PowderPuff is back and better than ever. After two years and the pandemic, girls football returns. In the beginning of November, girls ranging from freshmen to seniors began practicing once a week in preparation for the big game, PowderPuff. The pink team consisted of freshmen and juniors while the blue team housed seniors and sophomores.
When game day rolled around, both teams put on their game faces using pink warrior paint under their eyes. Pink team’s quarterback, Izzy Coons, warmed up her arms while the blue team stretched and did a couple of quick drills together before the clock started.
Both teams huddle together for the last pre-game talk with coaches. Around the same time, onlookers and observers poured in and took seats on the bleachers waiting for the match to start.
“My brother, CJ Phillips, will be a flyer for the cheer team.” Freshman Anabella Phillips said.
Boys, both junior and senior, have volunteered to cheer for opposing teams. The pink team sports pink tutus while the blue team decides on wearing this year’s HOCO shirts.
“I’m most excited to see my friends play,” Bella mainly said.
To kickoff the big game, the ball is thrown in the air and the girls race towards it. They fall and fumble over each other trying to reach the ball and the first team to reach the ball is the pink team.
The game continues and both teams put up a fight for each other’s flags. The cheerleaders shout the famous green and grey chant, and do some stunts.
The blue team supposedly took the win but no one really knew the ending score distracted by the fun that they were having.