2021-2022 Teacher of the Year: Haylee Frazier

Zachary Mcnaught, Howler Staff Writer

Matte gray walls and fluorescent green lights dangle from the whiteboard, alongside student art. This creates a very laid-back environment, perfectly matching this year’s Teacher of the Year, Ms. Frazier.

“99% of the population wouldn’t enjoy math,” Frazier said “They think it’s boring and hard and it sucks, so I want students to feel welcome.”

It is also Frazier’s first year teaching College Algebra-prep. In her last couple of years, she’s also taught Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

While she grew up in a small town, she claims Stillwater as her home. She graduated from UCO, majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Biology.

From the beginning, Frazier knew she wanted to teach in Edmond.

“I knew I wanted to teach in Edmond but I didn’t know it would be at Santa Fe until I stepped in the door to do my student teaching here 7 years ago.” Frazier said “I fell in love with Santa Fe because when you walk through the halls you will encounter every walk of life and that to me is beautiful. Santa Fe provides that every year and I think that is unique.” 

She has been working here at Santa Fe for four years and previously doing her student teaching here. One of Mrs. Frazier’s favorite parts of Santa Fe is the inclusivity of the students.

“I love being a teacher here because I think there is a spot for every student to belong, and that’s hard to find in High School,” Frazier said. 

Also, Mrs. Frazier is the teacher of the year after only teaching for 4 years; this is a big achievement.

“Being teacher of the year is such an honor because it is teacher nominated and teacher voted on. Here at Santa Fe, some absolute world-shaking teachers voted for me to represent,” Frazier said.  “I can’t think of a higher honor. I am so blessed to work with such amazing people every single day,” 

Overall, Ms. Frazier is excited to be Santa Fe’s Teacher of the Year and wonders what’s to be expected in the upcoming year.