Eden Miranda
The Counseling Office where students can pick up forms for college visits.
College visits are an opportunity for high school students to get a firsthand view of a college and experience the environment. Students cannot always get the full picture from just college catalogs, brochures or websites.
Different colleges do different activities but it’s typically a tour where you meet with admissions counselors and advisors that talk you through student life. Students will schedule the visit with the college.
“My visit at Oklahoma University was very fun, my favorite was probably the student life,” a senior Kylie Salameh said. “They were setting up for the OU Tennessee game and they had a big culture fair going on that was really nice.”
Students who want to attend a college visit need to do certain things to have their absence be excused. Students can have their parent or guardian call or email the Attendance Office before the day of to let them know the student will be gone on that day to visit that college or bring the Attendance Office either a letter or show an email from the college after the visit.
Pamphlets, confirmation emails and itineraries are not valid forms of verification to get the absence excused. The college may send a follow-up email or survey, or provide a letter regarding the visit. If they don’t supply anything, the student may contact the college’s Admissions Office to fax or email the letter to the school.
“If a student wants to visit an out of state college it is suggested to sign up for them during the weekends,” the College and Career Counselor Megan Cline said.
Seniors and juniors are allowed four excused days for off-campus college visits. This is four days, not necessarily four visits. If students use a day to travel, a day to visit and the next to travel back, they have used three of those days.
“My advice for students going on college visits is to look at the degree sheets being offered, which is a list of the specific requirements for that degree. Especially juniors, if they are interested in doing concurrent classes,” Cline said. “You need to know which classes transfer, and to make sure you know which courses you need to complete.”
Oftentimes, colleges come directly to Santa Fe for visits. Students can sign up to attend during advisory time.
Some upcoming college visits include, Nov. 11 the University of Oklahoma, Nov. 13 Oklahoma University, Nov. 14 the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma and Nov. 22 Oklahoma Christian. Visit this link for more information about the visits.